London, September 3rd, 1939. The world is on the brink of war. In his final days, Sigmund Freud (Anthony Hopkins), a recent escapee with his daughter from the Nazi regime, receives a visit from the formidable Oxford Don, author C.S. Lewis (Matthew Goode). On this day, two of the greatest minds of the twentieth century intimately engage in a monumental session over the belief in the future of mankind and the existence of God.
London, September 3rd, 1939. The world is on the brink of war. In his final days, Sigmund Freud (Anthony Hopkins), a recent escapee with his daughter from the Nazi regime, receives a visit from the formidable Oxford Don, author C.S. Lewis (Matthew Goode). On this day, two of the greatest minds of the twentieth century intimately engage in a monumental session over the belief in the future of mankind and the existence of God.
London, September 3rd, 1939. The world is on the brink of war. In his final days, Sigmund Freud (Anthony Hopkins), a recent escapee with his daughter from the Nazi regime, receives a visit from the formidable Oxford Don, author C.S. Lewis (Matthew Goode). On this day, two of the greatest minds of the twentieth century intimately engage in a monumental session over the belief in the future of mankind and the existence of God.